Cimmaron Ash

Botanical Name: Fraxinus pennsylvanica 'Cimmzam' Cimmaron
Common Name: Cimmaron Ash
Family: Oleaceae

Plant Description: A robust, low maintenance tree with an excellent branch structure.
Growth Form: Upright tree with ascending branching and a broad oval crown
Growth Rate: Moderate
Height: Approximately 12-14 metres
Canopy: Narrowly ovate, becoming broader with age. Uniformly upright.
Leaf Type: Pinnate leaves with five to nine leaflets
Leaf Colour: Lustrous, dark green, with a lighter underside. Deep burgundy and fiery reds in autumn.
Flower Colour: Inconspicuous
Tolerance to Frost: Frost Tolerant
Tolerance to Drought: Drought Tolerant
Bark: Grey to dark greyish-brown. Becoming ridged and furrowed with age.
Light Requirements: Full sun